Raising Cain (1992)

John Lithgow - Raising Cain

Raising Cain

John Lithgow - Raising Cain

John Lithgow - Raising Cain

John Lithgow - Raising Cain

Raising Cain

John Lithgow - Raising Cain

Raising Cain

Child psychologist Carter Nix is a man with a mission. Encouraged and aided by his twin brother, Cain, the doctor is abducting children for his father's dubious research project. Meanwhile, Carter's wife has secrets too.

Books with substantial mentioning of Raising Cain

John Kenneth Muir
Horror films of the 1990s
Jefferson, N.C., 2011

Frank N. Magill (ed.)
Magill's Cinema Annual 1993, A Survey of the Films of 1992
Pasadena, Ca.; Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993

Articles with substantial mentioning of Raising Cain

Georg Tscholl, "Peep-Art": vom Beobachten im Quadrat, Das psychoanalythische Kino des Brian De Palma, in: Thomas Ballhausen/Günter Krenn/Lydia Marinelli (Hg.), Psyche im Kino, Wien, 2006

Year: 1992
Country: United States
Language: English
IMDb: 0105217
AFI: 59368