Metropolis (1927)

In a futuristic metropolis, the working class toils tirelessly at machines that slowly turn them into robots. Meanwhile, the ruling class indulges in lavish luxuries in a towering skyscraper. A leader of the oppressed, Maria, awakens the consciousness of Freder, the son of the city's powerful ruler, with her belief that "all men are brothers." He secretly ventures out to witness the dire conditions of the lower class and becomes disillusioned after seeing the dire reality of their lives. Meanwhile, his father, Fredersen, enlists the help of a mad scientist, Rotwang, to create a robotic version of Maria to incite the workers to violence, providing an excuse for the ruling class to eliminate them.

Books with substantial mentioning of Metropolis

National Film Theatre
Fifty famous films, 1915-1945
[London], [[between 1945 and 1960]

Hans Helmut Prinzler
Licht und Schatten, Die grossen Stumm- und Tonfilme der Weimarer Republik
München; Berlin, 2012

David Thomson
Have you seen?, A personal introduction to 1,000 films
New York, 2008

Brian J. Robb
Silent cinema
Harpenden, Herts, 2007

John Howard Reid
These Movies Won No Hollywood Awards, A Film-Lover's Guide to the Best of the Rest

Roger Ebert
The Great Movies

Tom Pendergast, Sara Pendergast (eds.)
International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, 1. Films
Detroit/New York/San Francisco/London/Boston/Woodbridge, CT, 2000

Peter W. Engelmeier (ed.)
Icons of film, The 20th century
Munich; New York, 2000

Tom Gunning
The films of Fritz Lang, Allegories of vision and modernity
London, 2000

Robert K. Klepper
Silent Films, 1877-1996, A Critical Guide to 646 Movies
Jefferson, North Carolina and London, 1999

Neil Sinyard
Classic Movies
London, 1993

Günther Dahlke
Deutsche Spielfilme von dem Anfängen bis 1933, Ein Filmführer
Berlin, 1988

Ann Lloyd (ed.)
Movies of the Silent Years
London, 1985

Stanley Hochman (editor)
From Quasimodo to Scarlett O'Hara, A National Board of Review Anthology 1920 - 1940
New York, 1982

Chris Steinbrunner and Burt Goldblatt
Cinema of the Fantastic
New York, 1972

Books related to Metropolis

Thea von Harbou
Berlin, 1926

Books with an entry on Metropolis

Robert C. Reimer, Carol J. Reimer
Historical Dictionary of German Cinema
Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Plymouth, UK, 2008

Robert B. Connelly
The Motion Picture Guide, Silent Film 1910-1936
Chicago, 1986

Articles on Metropolis

Chris Fujiwara, A tale of two cities, Metropolis lives!, in: Filmcomment, nr. 3 (May/June), 2010 pp. 54-55

Alex McAuley, Savior of the Working Man: Promethean Allusions in Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927), in: Monica S. Cyrino and Meredith E. Safran (eds.), Classical myth on screen, New York, 2015

Michael Töteberg, Der Turmbau zu Babelsberg, Fritz Langs "Metropolis", in: Hans-Michael Bock und Michael Töteberg (Hg.), Das Ufa-Buch, Frankfurt am Main, 1992

Jens Hinrichsen, Wege aus dem Paradies, Die "Stadt der Söhne" in Fritz Langs "Metropolis", in: Filmdienst, nr. 2, 2010 pp. 10-12

Esther Buss, Ein Bilderreservoir, "Metropolis" - eine endlose Referenzkette, in: Filmdienst, nr. 2, 2010 pp. 13

Volker Baer, In der toten Stadt, Ein Blick auf Schauplätze in "Metropolis", in: Filmdienst, nr. 4, 2010 pp. 16-17

Rudolf Worschech, Zwischen gestern und morgen, Die Metropolis-Story, in: epd Film, nr. 2, 2010 pp. 28-32

Jens Hinrichsen, Phönix aus der Schmalfilmdose, "Metropolis" ist (fast) keine ruine mehr. Eine Uraufführungskritik, in: Filmdienst, nr. 5 (4. März), 2010 pp. 44-45

Helmut G. Asper, Moderne Zauberer, Kameratricks und Spezialeffekte bei "Metropolis", in: Filmdienst, nr. 7 (1. April), 2010 pp. 14-15

Josef Nagel, Wanderer zwischen den Welten, Der Dirigent Frank Strobel - und die neue Verion von "Metropolis", in: Filmdienst, nr. 3 (4. Februar), 2010 pp. 60-63

Rudolf Worschech, Wem gehört Metropolis?, in: epd Film, nr. 1, 2011 pp. 5


Kim Newman, Metropolis, in: Empire, nr. 164, 2003 pp. 49

Kim Newman, Metropolis, in: Empire, nr. 188, 2005 pp. 150 (DVD review)

KN, Metropolis, in: Empire, nr. 256 (October), 2010 pp. 62

Jörg Taszman, Der deutsche Eventfilm, in: epd Film, nr. 1, 2011 pp. 57 (DVD review)

Jörg Gerle, "Metropolis", in: Filmdienst, nr. 5 (1. März), 2012 pp. 47

Year: 1927
Country: Germany
Language: Silent film
IMDb: 0017136